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Monday, January 8, 2018

Training Social Media untuk Pemerintahan


Syllabus Overview

Training yang membahas Bagaimana memanfaat social media sebagai salah satu tool powerfull dalam strategi efektif mensosialisasikan program program dan kebijakan pemerintahan serta control penggunaannya dalam instansi pemerintahan.


Class Type : Workshop

Duration : 1 Day (09.00 – 17.00)

Venue  & Price : Click Here ,

Registration : Click Here  (Save up to 20% for Early Bird Registration !)


Description :

Social media can be a powerful tool for state and local government. But managing a social program for a government agency requires a unique strategy that often differs from what's expected for business. In this course, discover the powerful ways social media can be used by government. Purnama Academy' will discusses the importance of engaging the public online, and how to create your own social media policies. also covers various laws and requirements that involve online government communications. Trainershows how to write a powerful social media strategy, how to deal with negativity, and how to set the right tone. Finally,  shares how to effectively leverage the most popular social media tools out there, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Topics include:

·         Putting together a social media program structure

·         Establishing a social media policy

·         Public records and archives

·         Comment moderation and freedom of speech

·         Employee use of social media

·         Improving service delivery

·         Best practices for managing your agency's social media

·         Writing a social media strategy

·         The use of humor on government social media

·         Dealing with negativity

·         Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for government


Participants :  (Kepala Dinas, Pejabat Eselon, Staff Kementrian, Kominfo Staff)


Speaker  : Purnama Academy  Trainer


#Socialmedia #tempattraining  #pelatihan #jakarta  #bandung  #bali  #jadwaltraining




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